Kiran Khandar – CSR Intern at Bank of America 2024

Kiran Khandar was one of our CSR Interns in the CSR Eagles programme in 2024. Kiran has kindly written about her experience of the CSR Eagles programme and her placement at Bank of America:

Tell us a bit about your background, your education and what you wanted to do as a career
I was born and raised in the East of London. I graduated from Queen Mary University of London with a BA (Hons) in Comparative Literature. I can communicate compellingly but this still left me with a large number of sectors to explore. I had worked part time in every sector one could think of, including charities, hospitality, events, social care and education. With loads of experience under my belt, I still had no full-time role. I had experience in the charity sector as an intern for a month and knew I wanted to contribute to meaningful work. Yet I also wanted to be part of a large organisation, so Corporate Social Responsibility seemed like the right next step. I applied to the ELBA Eagles Programme as a colleague told me about it and the rest is history…

My favourite aspect of the Eagles programme
The Eagles Programme has changed my life. It created a portal for me to flourish, find myself and fly. At a time where graduates were in a deficit of employment opportunities despite having degrees, I found the job market to be lacklustre. I was lucky to be under the Eagles programme wing. I met a cohort of six other like-minded driven, talented, and diverse graduates who were also just trying their hand at launching into the corporate world with some success. The Eagles programme provided us with a soft launchpad that then enabled us to feel safe, secure, and equipped despite where we all came from. I had a surge in personal development with National Theatre sessions led by Adam Russ. It gave me life-boosts of confidence. I now feel I can navigate a room full of people from all ranks and walks of life and own who I am. It is easy to get eaten in the corporate world but with a safety net like the Eagles programme, I had friends for life and a support system that simply made me feel that I could, if I wanted to. It assigned me my first proper job and allowed me to climb the baby steps of a new and daunting environment. I did not know if the way I spoke and what I was accustomed to would be accepted. And I mean come on, the Ashridge experience (staying at this incredible manor for professional training) was just the cherry on top – good vibes and good people in a picturesque location. Scenic and so good for gaining insight on all the things no one tells you – shout out to Sally and Farzana for being the best pillars of support. My ELBA mentor, Simran – who is just so cool and inspiring– was amazing. It was so nice to have a person to speak to and be a friendly face for me amidst the corporate noise and genuinely want the best for me!

My experience as a Community Engagement and Volunteer Analyst (CSR Intern) at Bank of America
I have accomplished a lot in the short space I have been here at Bank of America. Honestly, as much as you put in, is as much as you will get out. It is imperative that you make the most of your time in your placement as the time flies, every opportunity can lead to progression super-fast, so it is good to plant those seeds early and sell your personal brand. Go land that extension or even get a permanent role! Networking is your best friend but do not let it cost your sense of self. It is so easy to lose yourself in the big working world but always be you – it takes you so much further, and yes, I know it sounds cheesy, but it is so real. I had the best cohort of seven, but we were not all in the same companies. I was the only one at Bank of America, but I was fortunate to have two eagles, Amina and Ayeshah already settled for 6 months from the cohort prior. There was also Adam, who was previously an Eagle but secured a full-time position. This network of Eagles was such an asset when I felt daunted. Overwhelmed at the start, I took it upon myself to embrace the learning. It helps to have an open mind and a super supportive team who celebrate you. My team – KJ, Richard and Jack make it a point to shout me out for the smallest accomplishments! Jack is the best manager I have ever had – so enthusiastic about all that I set my mind to or even remotely consider. My role consists of juggling and managing multiple events every week with our key stakeholders and our charity partners. The hosting we do has led to my introduction with tonnes of people from across the bank who are super down to Earth. I met a colleague like this, Orian who eventually led on to become my Bank of America mentor! It goes to show you should just be you, and things truly come to you 😊

Future plans
The placement leaves you in a good place to do one of two things: either stay where you are and climb the corporate ladder or gain experience and try out other non-corporate avenues. I never knew what I wanted to do and still do not. I am passionate about a multitude of things, but I feel I have the choice to go either way and so may pursue non-corporate passions or may continue with the career path I have currently carved out…only time will tell but I feel peace and have genuine belief I will end up exactly where I am meant to be!

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